I purchased this to allow me to make some cuts on the particle board core of a laminate countertop. My dishwasher needed replacing the side coming down of the laminate countertop was just barely in the way of the old one coming out. I needed a few pass with this to give it the room needed. It allowed me to us the front part of the countertop to use as a guide with that top bearing placement. It made a perfectly clean cut in the particleboard when used with a trim router. It is fairly durable too. I forgot the locking latch of the old dishwasher stuck out a bit and ran right into it with the router bit. I think the latch was made of aluminum. It shattered part of the dishwasher latch and my router stopped too. I looked at the bit and it still appeared to be in good condition. After cutting of the old dishwasher latch, it turned the router back on and finished the pass on the particle board. Still made a great cut on it. Made and 2nd pass and got the older dishwasher out just fine. Very happy with this for the price.