For background, I run a full sheet CNC, cutting primarily 3/4" maple plywood, MDF and HDF. I had been using high priced A***a end mills for my work and they are great, but very expensive and I found that MDF was hard on the coating which often led to shortened lifespans.
When I started looking for more cost effective alternatives I tested a series of bits and I was immediately surprised at the cut quality and durability. Even thin 1/16" bits went the distance if I was mindful of going low and slow on my DOC and speeds.
It's a big improvement in durability and friction reduction. These are my new go to bits!
What I liked:
1. This end mills are a great value, particularly the 5 packs.
2. Coating markedly reduces friction and chatter.
3. Longer shank adds cutting depth when needed and puts more of the shank in contact with my water cooled spindle which further cools the bit.
4. Available in all sizes with a 1/4" shank. I don't have to change collets.
5. All sizes are available in multiple cut types. I typically use uncut and compression cut bits in 1/4" and 1/8".
What I wish:
Please offer these bits in 5 packs!